Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Photo Session Time!

I decided that when it came to my "Joetography" I was slacking!  Here's a new photo shoot, starring some of my custom figs.

- Battle Damaged Duke
- Female Cobra Trooper Corporal
- Gaucho from Action Force
- Neo Viper Leader (He needs a good code name)

Please check Duke's pulse.

A figure in the shadows... Neo Viper Leader.

In this part of the city, Cobra controls the streets.  The police won't even respond to calls  here.  

There's no glass ceiling in Cobra.  Corporal Smith wants power just as much as the guys do.

Neo Viper Leader.  Arrogant.  Confident.  Brutal.

Corporal Smith senses something.

Gaucho pops up from behind the parked Stinger.  A brave move?  Or a risky one?

This might be the last stand of Gaucho. 

Duke has had a very bad day.

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